I can't stand it anymore. I just can't. The first Spider-Man No Way Home trailer was great, but laid out the entire movie plot. It was also a zillion minutes long. The second one is equally spoiler-ish, but gives us more of the action set pieces.

So put 'em together and I feel like I've seen an edit of the movie already. Haven't seen the end, granted - but come on, we have a pretty good idea how these films end (the Doctor Strange film's interesting resolution notwithstanding). It's the stuff before the big showdown that excites us the most - or at least interests us the most.

And I get it, I do. You have all this cool footage to play with, and you want your trailer to be an awesome short film all by itself, because that's how we treat them as fanfolk. I would be exactly the same, if not worse. But that only makes my point. It's irresistible. Ban 'em all I sez. Move to visual promotion by targeted leak.

But nobody listens to me. Sigh

Now where's a Multiverse of Madness trailer, dammit?