Monday, February 10, 2025 Movies that should be remade, and a few already remade well

Mark and John throw out some ideas of movies that scream to be remade (in some cases remade again), while also reviewing some remakes that have been m...

Monday, January 27, 2025 Franchise fatigue - is it a thing?

Mark and John look at so-dubbed "franchise fatigue" and its cousins superhero fatigue, sequel fatigue, and throw in some multiverse fatigue. We discus...

Monday, January 13, 2025 Underappreciated good stuff

One episode after talking about dumb sci-fi, we return to talk about excellent sci fi and fantasy that doesn't get enough love, be it from critics, fa...

Monday, December 30, 2024 Dumb sci fi

Dumb sci fi. The title says it all. Not just bad, not just ill-considered. Dumb. Come on, see if we mention your favorite book or movie We dare ya.

Monday, December 16, 2024 The Top 18 Evil AIs

It's the AI era! You want to know how bad it can get? Check out the list of most evil artificial intelligences. Come on and tell us what (who?) we mis...

Monday, December 2, 2024 Drugs, Drug Culture, and Addiction in Sci-Fi

Mark and John get on drugs for an episode that looks at the different way drugs, drug culture, and addiction in general are treated in science fiction...

Monday, November 18, 2024 The Love Episode!!!

Love. Exciting and new. etc.Come on aboard as we look back at love and romance in sci-fi over the decades, along with how it reflects society. Do we m...

Monday, November 4, 2024 Federation and Empire? Imperialism in Star Trek

Dr. Leigh McKagen comes back - willingly, even - where we discuss the often disappointing but always interesting topic of the imperial nature of Star ...

Monday, October 21, 2024 Top 18 most influential sci-fi movies

John and Mark tell you how it is as they go down their list of the 18 most influential sci-fi movies. Give a listen and nod your head, roll your eyes,...

Monday, October 7, 2024 When Sci-Fi and Comics are Repackaged Greek Myths

Mark and John examine stories in sci-fi and comics that are simply retellings of classical mythological stories. Turns out they're everywhere.

Monday, September 23, 2024 Star Trek and Military Power

What is the nature of power and military strategy in Star Trek's Federation? Our own Mark Card examines this question. John just kind of goes "mm-hmm"...

Monday, September 9, 2024 The 70s and sci fi paranoia cinema

We always hear about those paranoid 70s political thrillers, but a similar phenomenon was happening in the sci fi of the era - and it set the pace for...

About The Show

John Odum is a sometimes-freelance writer whose work has appeared in Bleeding Cool, The Guardian (online), and Huffington Post.

Mark Card has a PhD in political science, specializing in international conflict theory and comparative politics. He's also a big wine guy.

Jim Dandeneau reports on comics, television, and film for Den of Geek.

Liane Allen is an IT nerd, with a passion for genre movies, progressive politics, and all things sci-fi.

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